Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Check and Mate

When I was 12, my dad gave us a Nintendo (in 1992... a mere 7 years after it was released). Along with the NES were a plethora of games for it. One of them was Super Mario Brothers 3. From Friday night until Sunday afternoon, every other weekend my sisters and I (more specifically the two younger sisters and I) played Mario 3... non stop. The only time we stopped was if my Dad wanted to watch Football *psh*, otherwise we were GLUED. I, personally, never beat the game. I do not remember specifically if my younger sisters did. But I do remember we tried hard and persistantly to beat it, but unsuccessfully.

Three years ago on Freecycle I came across an original NES.... and the quest to beat Kupa continued.... but unsuccessfully.

When the Wii was brought into our home, that was one of the first games we downloaded. Mario Three.

I am proud to announce that after.. WAY too long, I have finally.. FINALLY ..... BEAT THE GAME!!!!!!! WOOHOOOO!!! Not only once, but TWICE!!!!

Cheap thrills, right?


Heather said...

WELL, if that's not cause for celebration I don't know what is!! I have never been any good at those games. I need to practice I guess. ha

KAT said...

Hahaha! I hear ya! Totally worth not doing anything but for days at a time.