Monday, May 4, 2009

Random stuff

GOOD NEWS!! The Honey butter freezes well. Yippey! Life is good.

I am a night person. When I lay down to go to sleep, that is when my mind goes crazy. It takes a long time to fall asleep. I've remedied that now. I have taken to listening to books on CD. Currently I am listening to Harry Potter 7. It is almost 22 hours long. I usually listen to it for about 20 - 30 minutes and BAM! I am out cold! This has worked wonders!! I am going to check out the rest of the Harry Potter series on CD so I should be able to sleep well for a long, long time.

I dropped my spring classes (see Utah trip below). It has been very different because I am not nearly as busy.

It has been raining a lot. I love the rain! I love how it smells when it rains.

Kids are great.

I think I'll make Big Boy Burritos tomorrow.

That's about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I TOTALLY have the same way of falling asleep!!!! Last summer I started with Book 1 and Zzzzzzz'ed all the way through the series. I keep having to back up a track or 2 to get to where I fell asleep last. I just love the library!!! Helene