Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Blog Stalking/ers

I looked at my counter and since I put it up in Februaryish/March, I have had nearly 3,000 hits! Wow! That is a lot! Despite what some (my sisters) may think, I do not just sit and click 'refresh... refresh....refresh...' to get my numbers up (because if I did it would be in the upwards of 20,000 hits!!). Not all of those 3,000 clicks are me! That means... some of them must be YOU.. and YOU.. and YOU! Yes you… you know who you are!!

Are YOU a blog stalker? The definition of a blog stalker would be someone who reads blogs, but does not leave a comment. Ever. I myself and guilty of this. Yes, I know, SHOCKER!! I have a list of blogs I like to read, and do fairly often. However, every once in a while, I will start clicking on a blog of a blog of a blog, and find a friends sisters cousins best friends grandma's blog, who I remember meeting once, and I will read her blog, maybe several times. When doing this, I often feel like I'm invading privacy, or 'sneaking' a look. In reality, if the blog is out in the open (not secured), it is free for all. Do you ever feel like this? Do you ever find yourself reading a blog and feeling almost guilty because it is someone you haven't connected with in a while? FEAR NOT! I do not want you to feel that way when you are at my home in the world wide web!

I would like to invite you all....


Maybe you are an ex girlfriend of an old ex-boytoy and you somehow heard my name and decided to see what I'm up to, to make sure you are better off than I am (not hard). Or maybe you are a friend that we met in 1st grade and some how you came across my blog, but don't want to say anything in fear that I will not remember you. Maybe you are someone I see all the time, but don’t want to admit you are blog stalking. Maybe you are a random stranger who just loves to see what I'm up to (5'9 1/2).... FEAR NOT! I do not judge (often). I would love to reconnect, say HI or even read your blog!

So that is my challenge to you… if you are reading this blog… leave a comment… say HI… and know, you are invited to put up with the crap I write. It’s your mind being wasted, not mine. :-)

Now for the ‘crap’ to be put up with:

I have a lot of fun pictures to share, however the cord to the camera is lost*. I can show you pictures of the camera, but that won't show you the fun that has been happening at our dive bomb. Oh yes, be jealous. We are having a grand ol’ time and will have a grand ol’ time next week, too!

So until I find the camera cord… fair thee well! And rid your blog stalking guilt here!

PS... when ridding your blog stalking guilt, please be so kind as to leave your name!

* Meaning Sam actually has taken and hidden it.


Anonymous said...

Hey! I leave a comment...sometimes!! Now, to make this an extra special comment I will leave you a link to look at. May it inspire you to make a lovely spelling-mistake free masterpiece with one of the millions of cake pans you bought on ebay...

Anonymous said...

My name is Tina and I am a blog stalker! WOW that felt good to get off my chest!! LOL I too tend to click on blog, after blog and have to admit that I am just plain nosey and like to see what everyone does out there in the world, while I am at home with the kidlets!

Becky said...

Im a blog stalker. Sitting at the computer is just too much more appealing then making my kids clean. So my house stays dirty and my computer seat stays clean.

Aubry Canales Photography said...

Yo. Just leaving you a comment because you begged for it. Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Refresh refresh refresh

Anonymous said...

holy crao you so read my mind and now how what ive been up to...how has things been going nice to see that you do update this....marni

Anonymous said...

wow i so just read that post and yikes i sound retarded yes i can really type when its needed and i guess just then it was not..lol. you still love me marni

Elizabeth said...

hey, I always leave a comment when I read your blog. I wish you would leave a comment when you read mine,,or do you read mine at all. Guess I'll never know.