Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Gone are our days...

.... of thinking we won't have to keep the house picked up. Clara has decided that if she wants something, she needs to do it herself. It is time to be mobile.

The catch is, she gets up.....

Gets on all fours, ready to go (don't mind the drool).....

Then can't figure out HOW this crawling things works and crashes.

And then throws a huge tantrum/cry/screaming fit.

It really is quite entertaining.

Once she finagles her way to whatever she is after, she is happy again (see video below for the full effect). We think it will be a matter of days (if even that!) before she gets it and takes off.
In the mean time, we really are now good about keeping everything off the floor. Neither Kaylee nor Sam were the type of babies that ever put anything in their mouths, stuck fingers in electrical outlets... Clara, not so much. If there is something on the floor, it deserves to be in her mouth. Just ask Sam about her homework.

We really are enjoying the baby stage all over again! :)

1 comment:

Juannaelmi said...

you are in sooooooooo much trouble! Good luck!