Friday, May 8, 2009


Yesterday I had a beauty mark turned bad cut out of my leg right by my knee. I'd post pictures, but then you would have to see my gross leg... and even grosser knee. So just imagine a little beauty mark that is no longer a perfect circle but turned into a 'splotch' as the 'BEFORE' picture. And then imagine a mess bleh with stitches as the 'AFTER' picture. It is lovely. And surprisingly, the only part of the procedure that hurt was getting the numbing junk. Now it just hurts off and on. I imagine it is because the stitches are tugged on my by knee moving. Go fig. Oh well, it is done. Now here's hoping it is nothing bad! YIPPEY!!

Wait! Let me jump back to the only part that hurt was the 'numbing junk'. My fantastic doc is awesome. However, she did not warn me she was going to numb me. Typically this wouldn't bother me, but just the night before I heard on the John Tesh show that if you count while getting pricked with a needle, it won't hurt. I wanted to try that. Maybe next time.

I know I have stuff to blog on, but I can not think of what it is. Sooo random, here we go again!

Today I received my Degree Audit from the College. If you remember about my April, it got off to a rough start, so I ended up dropping all my classes because I just did not have the confidence to be able to miss 1/4 of the term (if you need to know why, read down a few posts) and still get A's. Last term, I earned a 3.95. Don't want to ruin that! So anyway, I am turning in all the paperwork so I do not lose my financial aid, and that included meeting with an advisor and doing a Degree Audit Plan. As it turns out, I am 35 credits away from graduating with my Associates. Which also means that I should be able to start the Elementary Education program at WSU-Vancouver, by the latests, next fall. WOOHOOO!! Closer than I had thought. There is light!

Alright! Until next time! Fair thee well!


Juannaelmi said...

Hope you are doing okay. Let me know if you need anything.

Aubry Canales Photography said...

Hello butthead? How come I didn't know about this? What the hell?! Call me!