Monday, June 6, 2011

The Tale of the Eye

This is the tale of a little girl, her left eyelid, and the scar that surely will be....

Once upon a time there was a 14 month old girl named Clara, and a 6 year old girl named Sam. They were cleansing themselves from the activities of the day of Memorial, which included a fun gathering of many friends and food. While frolicking in the tub of bath water, Miss Clara stood, grasping her mother's hand and the tub side. It was the perfect opportunity to play the age old game of 'Peek-a-boo'.  Up and down the little miss went and then she slipped. 

It was the perfect slip. SMACK! Her face right on the edge of the tub. Immediately her mother flung little miss out of the tub into her arms.  Upon first looking over Miss Clara, there was no blood insight and a huge relief came over her mother as she tightly hugged the crying little miss.  Pulling her away for another look brought nothing but pure shock to her mother. Blood was gushing out of Miss Clara's left eye. With the eye closed, one couldn't tell where the precisely the blood was coming from. Just somewhere on, in or around the eye.  *at this point, it should be known that mother is normally a calm, collected individual when it comes to things like this, but not this time.*
Mother screamed for father to come in there. Father called mother's sister to come get Miss Samantha and Miss Kaylee. Mother managed to get Miss Clara dressed and cleaned up and discovered that the blood was coming from a perfectly slanted gash across Miss Clara's left eyelid. Sister arrived quickly and they are out the door in record to time Ye ol' Emergency Room. 

When the nurse came into the room where Miss Clara and her parents were brought at the Ye Ol' Emergency Room, she couldn't even touch Miss Clara's head with out her crying (of course!). The merry young doctor came in and looked at her nice little gash and said it would need stitches and that she would need to be sedated Miss Clara in order to put them in.
If you recall in our 'Prequel to the Tale of the Eye', Miss Clara has been plagued with Asthma, there for a simple sedation procedure is not so simple.  
An IV. Respiratory Therapy, and many, many back up nurses/doctors/party-goers where used in case the little miss decided breathing was for the birds. 
Mother and Father were ushered out of the trauma room after Miss Clara was given the sedation medication (a double dose!). 







 An eternity of waiting, or so it seemed. Three teeny, tiny stitches and five minutes later, the merry young doctor retrieved thee parents of the little miss and once again, they were united. 

Little Miss Clara had no breathing issues and  came out of sedation, waging her tongue, swinging her arms and yelling at people.  She woke up long enough to open her eyes and take a few swigs of a bottle and was sent home (1:30am). 
The lasting effects of the sedation caused little miss to sleep until 11am the following day.

All was well. 

That is the tale of our first non-breathing related ER visit with Clara, and first stitches visit for any of our kids.

1 comment:

Pernell Roberts: "DO you know who you're named after?" said...

This is the song that you should have added to the blog, LOL