Thursday, June 21, 2012

Meet the Roberts

We moved! (more on that later)  Our new ward is spotlighting us this week. Here's our introduction. :D

Meet the Roberts 

Although Katrina grew up in Vancouver, Washington she experienced a total lack of judgement in her early years and moved to Utah. Having only been there long enough to start wondering, “What did I DO???” She met Pernell through an online dating... friend of a friend... thing. Nine hours after their first encounter Pernell sent his then girlfriend packing and the two became what you see today. Married. Life was bliss.

Enter: Kaylee. Now 11, this noble child made her appearance by explaining to her parents the exact time, place, and flavor of her next 17 feedings. Currently she has just wrapped up a successful fifth grade year. Kaylee can be heard ripping it up with her Ukulele and seen concurring mathematical problems with the determination of a man about to climb Mt Everest.

Three years after Kaylee was born, Katrina and Pernell realized they collectively possessed much more wisdom then they had given themselves credit for and moved (back) to Washington. They danced around Vancouver, Washougal, then Camas before it dawned on them Vancouver really was THAT good.

The Robert's tenacious daughter, Samantha, was born in Washington and is now 7. She is fun, spunky, and can make any – yes ANY – outfit work. Plaid and poka dots don't go together you say? WRONG! She rocks it! She would like to inform all who are reading that on her last day of school she passed on adding 9's in 105 seconds. Take THAT first grade!

Katrina plays with sharp tools (scissors are sharp, right?) in an endodontic office four days a week. She enjoys facebook, movies, and getting caught in the rain. She is not fond of Yoga however, and rather enjoys staring at the ceiling. Pernell works at the hundred dollar store... you may know it as Costco. He enjoys virgin pina coladas, folding laundry, not doing dishes, and is not much into health food. At this point you should know that his favorite quote is, “Sheeeeeesh... I don't know!”

Last, but most certainly not least, is our happy child Clara. She, being only 2 years old, defies all odds. There really are no words for Clara.

On a somewhat different note, we presently have a bubbly, boisterous, very giggling (yet somewhat sneaky, hide all paint, markers and anything sharp) toddler for rent.

1 comment:

all about the girls said...

We need to hang out!! And I love this post.